VSS Alphabet

Are you a future scientist or have a curious mind?
Well, we’ve got something super cool just for you!

With the VSS alphabet, you can learn all those fancy scientific terms for stuff you see and feel with Visual Snow.

And guess what? You can even share these awesome words with your friends, teachers, and even impress your parents and doctors with your super-duper scientific knowledge!

After Images

When you stare at an object, but see a little ghostly image of it for a bit.

Brain Fog

When your brain feels a bit cloudy, forgetful and you can’t think as clearly as usual.


Feeling a bit lost or mixed up.


When you feel like you’re not yourself, almost like you’re watching yourself from outside your body.

Entoptic Phenomenon

Little floaty things in your vision, like tiny bugs or specks.


Similar to Entoptic Phenomenon, they are squiggly lines or dots in your vision. They are thicker and not just white, and move once you start following them with your vision.


When a bright light shines and makes it hard to see clearly.


When lights have a glowing ring around them, especially at night.


Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, so you end up feeling tired during the day.

Jumpy Vision

When your vision feels a bit shaky.


Have you ever looked through one of those cool toys where the colors and shapes keep changing? That’s what it’s like, but with your vision!

Light Sensitivity

When your eyes feel extra sensitive to light, like when you step outside on a sunny day and have to squint.


These are really bad headaches that can make your head hurt a lot and sometimes even make you feel sick.


Having trouble seeing in the dark.


It feels like the world around you is moving or shaking when it’s actually not. It’s like being on a wobbly boat even when you’re standing still.


This is when your body feels tingly or numb, like when your foot falls asleep after sitting on it for too long.


When your tummy feels a bit upset, like when you’ve been on a spinning ride and you feel a bit sick afterward.

Rainbow Aura

These are seen usually during or before a migraine, they are usually in the shape of zigzag lines, or even blind spots in your vision.


Seeing little star shapes around bright lights, like when you look at a street lamp at night and it seems to have little rays coming out of it.


When you hear ringing or buzzing noises in your ears even when it’s quiet around you.


Feeling a bit wobbly or off-balance, like when you’re trying to walk straight but it feels like the ground is moving.

Visual Snow

Seeing tiny, flickering dots or static in your vision.

Warped Vision

Things look like they’re bending or wiggling when they’re not. It’s like looking through a funhouse mirror!


Having dry eyes, like when they feel scratchy or uncomfortable.

Yellow Flashes

Seeing quick flashes of yellow light, like when someone takes a picture with a bright flash.


Can feel like little electric shocks in your head, like when you touch something metal and get a tiny shock.
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